Freedom to be YOU
Learn how to access your most Soulful Self and Live in alignment with your Divine Intelligence
Spiritual Practices to promote freedom of self expression

Class 1 - Breathing and Toning as the Soulful Self
Using breathwork we will look at ways to support you in integrating your desires and divine intelligence into your everyday life. While many of buy the next book, sign up for the next course all to better ourselves, learning alone won't really change our reality. We need to learn to embody the lessons and integrate the practices into our live so we can show up as our fullest and freest selves.
Class 2 - Clearing limiting beliefs and behaviours
Integrating the parts of your energy that have felt fragmented. Those parts may feel like suppressed emotions or 'negative' behaviours. They may feel like lost or confused parts of our personality. There's no right or wrong way to experience this powerful breathing practice.
Class 3 - Learning the power of choice
You are invited to create your own process using breath, imagination, posture, movement, sound to cultivate the vibration of "I am that" "It's already occurred".
The more you practice your process that generates the felt sense of knowing at the level of vibration in your Being, the easier it becomes to live as that energy. You are able to be your own spiritual guide.
Class 4 - Mastering the mind and thoughts
As we learn this work and do the practices, it is very common to experience moments and periods of extended bliss, joy and love AND to feel the snapping back of the rubber band or the ping pong back to fear, doubt, heaviness. This class teaches to you to guide yourself back through Heart Congruent and all the practices at your disposal.